Laser cutting machine for dual-head textile industry

Laser cutting machine for dual-head textile industry


Product code : KCZ-1610
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High-speed industrial laser cutting machine with the latest features: Area 1600x1000 mm, 2 cutting heads.

- Auto-focus feature remains when power is off, this is the latest and most efficient technology available on machines from KCZ...
- Front and rear door opening system is very convenient for handling large materials and additional roller system for cutting fabric and leather in the textile and footwear industries...
- Clear display screen allows real-time display of time and other information.
- Connectivity via Ethernet allows multiple machines to be controlled simultaneously, USB connection, built-in 256Mb memory allows the machine to operate without a computer
- Precise and accurate red dot positioning system, this feature is only available on high-end machines
- CW-5000 cooling system with refrigeration and temperature adjustment to ensure continuous safe operation of the machine, extending the life of the bulb.
- Laser tube lifespan of 10,000 hours with high quality from China's leading manufacturer,
- Direct engraving software on Coreldraw for speed and convenience
- 1200dpi resolution for high-quality fine imaging that can meet the most demanding customer requirements.


The machine is widely used in advertising, leather, fashion design, souvenir manufacturing, engraving, flexo printing....

Parameter KCZ-6040 KCZ-1390 KCZ-1610
Process area 600mm*400mm 1300mm*900mm 1600mm*1000mm
Laser type/power CO2 laser glass tube 60W CO2 laser glass tube 60W CO2 laser glass tube 80W
Cutting speed 0-800mm/s 0-800mm/s 0-800mm/s
Engraver speed 0-1000mm/s 0-1000mm/s 0-1000mm/s
Positioning accuracy <0.02mm <0.02mm <0.02mm
Cooling system Water cooling and protection system Water cooling and protection system water Cooling and protection system
Whole power 1500W 1500W 1500W
Net weight 175KG 300KG